NAS crushes first wave of SSPDF/SPLA-IO joint aggression

File: NAS gallant forces

The gallant forces of the National Salvation Front (NAS) have, so far, successfully beaten off and defeated the joint military offensive by Kiir’s SSPDF and Machar’s SPLA-IO across several fronts in Equatoria.

A press release issued today May 7th by Suba Samuel, NAS Spokesman, to update NAS members, supporters, the people of South Sudan and members of the International Community on the latest developments in the ongoing joint offensive told of the victories across several of the fronts with the twin aggressors retreating in defeat and the NAS forces maintaining their positions.

“The situation in Wonduruba Payam is relatively calm after the defeat of the attacking enemy force,” read part of the statement.

In Loka West, the enemy was subjected to three successful ambushes in which they lost two mounted vehicles, leaving behind several soldiers in disarray and were unable to evacuate the wounded back to Loka.

The joint SSPDF and SPLA-IO are also deploying troops along the Yei-Maridi road, Korgulu areas and Isebi in Morobo Payam, but NAS forces are already prepared and in position to counter those aggressions.

A few days ago NAS leadership, through its spokesman, alerted the public of the start of this joint and coordinated attacks and aggressions that appear to be part of a long term military campaign that exploits the global lock-down. The underlying intention, besides attacking NAS positions in violation of the CoHA, is to punish the civil population believed to be supporting and harbouring NAS.

“NAS regards this ongoing military offensive by the regime in Juba as a serious violation of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA), and holds the government of Salva Kiir responsible for the displacement of civilians and the unnecessary loss of lives.”

The statement also cautioned civilians to avoid all types of movement on the roads leading in and out of the capital Juba.

“Due to the SSPDF and SPLA IO offensive against NAS forces in different areas and along the main roads, NAS strongly advises civilians to avoid all types of movement including private and commercial vehicles on the roads leading in and out of Juba, the capital.

“The road from Juba include: Juba-Yei-Kaya, Mundri-Maridi-Yambio, Juba-Nimule, Juba-Terekeka, Juba-Kajo-Keji, Juba-Lobonok, Mangala-Bor, and Torit-Kapoeta roads”

The leadership also reassures its members and supported that the gallant freedom fighters of the National Salvation Front (NAS) “shall defend their positions, the lives and property of the innocent civilians and shall prevail over these SSPDF and SPLA IO attacks.”


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3 Responses

  1. 10th May 2020

    […] of Kiir’s SSPDF and Machar’s SPLA-IO joint offensive on May 05, the aggressors have suffered several defeats and setbacks as NAS gallant forces continue to remain in protecting the civilians from the regime’s policy of […]

  2. 13th May 2020

    […] On May 05 2020, Kiir’s SSPDF and Machar’s SPLA-IO, aided by local militia recruited by Minister of Cabinet Affairs Dr Martin Elia, started an all-out military offensive aimed at displacing civilians from their villages and attacking NAS positions. However, NAS gallant forces have continued to resist the aggressors in self-defense and have defeated them on several fronts. […]

  3. 15th May 2020

    […] NAS crushes first wave of SSPDF/SPLA-IO joint aggression […]