Media Statements

20240624 Press Release On Gen. Loburon's Decision to Quit

NAS Respects Gen. Loburon's Decision to Quit and Wishes Him Well

The leadership of the National Salvation Front (NAS) has come out to reassure the general public that it respects the decision of Gen. John Kenyi Lotio, also known as Kenyi Loburon, to leave the organization and form his own group. This announcement follows a statement circulating on social media, which claims that Gen. Kenyi, the NAS Deputy Chief of Staff for Training, has departed from NAS to establish a new faction named National Salvation Front United Forces.

20240611 NAS Latest Press Release Refuting Remarks By Gen Buay

A press statement refuting claims made by Gen. Stephen Buay that he is in contact with NAS leadership to convince NAS to join the Nairobi Peace Initiative.

According to NAS, there has never been such contact, and NAS - and SSOMA's position remains the same as was communicated previously.

20240509 SSOMA Position on the current Kenyan Peace Mediation

The Leadership of South Sudan Opposition Movement Alliance (SSOMA), which consists of the National Salvation Front (NAS), National Democratic Movement - Patriotic Front (NDM-PF), and the South Sudan National Movement for Change (SSNMC), would like to clarify to its members, the people of South Sudan and the members of the International Community that it is not a participant in the Kenyan peace mediation process.

20240421 NAS Press Release on the situation in Minga Payam, Mundri County

20240421 NAS Press Release on the situation in Minga Payam, Mundri County where SSPDF has been pillaging and burning down villages, arresting young local men and women, thus causing the displacement of several thousand people.

20240419 Appointment of Members of NAS Salvation Council

Constitutional Order 04/19/04/2024 Appointment of Members of NAS Salvation Council

20240408 Promotion of NAS/Army Officers to the Rank of Major General

20240408 Promotion of NAS/Army Officers to the Rank of Major General

20240410 NAS Eid al Fatr Message

On behalf of the National Salvation Front (NAS) and on my own behalf, I greet you and wish you a Happy Eid al-Fitr Mubarak. Congratulations for observing the full period of Ramadan, dedicating each day to prayer and alms giving.

20240331 Easter Message

NAS Easter Message

20240314 Appointment of NAS Army Chief of Staff

20240314 Appointment of Gen. Kamilo Otwari Aleardo as Chief of Staff of National Salvation Front (NAS) / Army.

20240308 Appointment of Deputy Chairperson Gen. Faiz Ismail Fatur

20240308 Appointment of Deputy Chairperson Gen. Faiz Ismail Fatur