Juba Peace Agreements: deliberate traps to imprison and silence opposition leaders

The recent withdrawal of the South Sudan United Front/Army – Nairobi Declaration (SSUF/A-ND) from yet another peace pact with Juba has unveiled a disturbing pattern in President Salva Kiir’s approach to peace agreements. Evidence is increasingly pointing to a malicious calculated strategy where these so-called peace deals are used solely as traps to lure opposition leaders into Juba, only to imprison, silence, and render them irrelevant.
In a press release dated August 21, 2024, SSUF/A-ND outlined the systematic suppression they faced since arriving Juba in June 2023 under the terms of an agreement they signed with Juba. Their complaints include isolation, political suppression, confiscation of travel documents, threats, intimidation, and even the detention of their senior members. The blatant dishonouring and disregard of the peace agreement by the government further underline the deceptive nature of these so-called “peace processes.”
Political analysts reveal that most peace initiatives led by Juba are carefully orchestrated strategies aimed at entrapping and neutralizing opposition leaders. These so-called peace agreements are neither genuine efforts at reconciliation nor sincere attempts to address the underlying causes of the conflict that impact ordinary citizens. Instead, they are tools deliberately crafted by President Kiir’s government to lure opposition leaders into Juba, where they are subsequently subjected to suppression, intimidation, and eventual imprisonment.
In contrast, initiatives like the Rome Talks, where the South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) advocates for round-table conferences and demands that the root causes of the conflict be addressed, while arguably offering the only remaining hope for South Sudan, pose a significant threat to the government in Juba.
….genuine dialogue on the root causes of conflict in a roundtable conference, may be South Sudan’s last hope…
Prominent opposition figures like Dr. Riek Machar, Chairman of SPLM-IO, Lt. Gen. Jonson Olony – leader of the Agwelek Forces, and now the leaders of SSUF/A-ND, are just a few of the many who have fallen victim to this systematic entrapment. However, this trend extends beyond the opposition, ensnaring even members of the ruling SPLM party and revered war heroes, who now find themselves effectively ‘imprisoned’ in Juba, unable to travel freely.
A recent example of this tragic pattern was highlighted during the funeral of Lt. Gen. Bior Asuod, a veteran of the liberation struggle. A family member revealed that the late general was deliberately prevented from leaving Juba to seek medical care, ultimately leading to his death.
The ongoing pattern of entrapment and suppression, affecting not only opposition figures but also members of the ruling SPLM and war heroes, highlights the urgent need for a genuine and comprehensive peace agreement in South Sudan. The National Salvation Front (NAS) believes that this can only be achieved through a round-table conference that brings all parties together to address the root causes of the conflict. Such a forum is essential for fostering true reconciliation, ensuring that any future peace process is transparent and inclusive, and not merely a tool for political manipulation and control. The people of South Sudan deserve a peace agreement that guarantees freedom, justice, and the opportunity to shape their nation’s future without fear of intimidation or imprisonment.