In pictures: A man-made humanitarian catastrophe in the making

Disturbing images are starting to emerge of civilians in Lainya and Mukaya counties in Central Equatoria who have been forced by Kiir’s forces to leave their villages or face the consequences.
This comes after a joint military offensive by Kiir’s SSPDF and Machar’s SPLA-IO, aided by local militia belonging to Dr Elia Lomuro, started attacking villages and NAS positions.
Hundred of civilians have already left their villages taking with them the little that they can carry. Some sick and the elderly persons have been left behind, and – knowing what Kiir’s forces are capable of – there is little hope that they will be reunited with their loved ones again.
To provide cover for their malice and inhumane atrocities against innocent South Sudanese civilians, Kiir’s regime banned UNMISS and all other NGOs from accessing these areas.
The National Salvation Front (NAS) has urged members of International Community and international humanitarian organizations to closely monitor this worrying development and to hold the Kiir’s regime responsible for the suffering inflicted on the innocent civilians.