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- Create Date 3rd March 2024
- Last Updated 3rd March 2024
We, the Revolutionary People of South Sudan;
Realizing our national responsibilities to bring sustainable peace and prosperity to our people and to address the root causes of the conflict in South Sudan;
Recalling the launching of a revolutionary movement in South Sudan, the National Salvation Front (NAS) on the 6th of March 2017, to restore unity, dignity, and save the people from the ethnocentric regime;
Acknowledging the revolutionary, patriotic, and courageous decision taken at a critical time in our history by the Founding Members of NAS, under the leadership of Gen. Thomas Cirillo Swaka, the Chairperson and Commander-in-Chief, and launching the National Salvation Front;
Reaffirming NAS' determination to continue the struggle to build the Republic of South Sudan based on NAS core values of freedom, justice, equality before the law, human dignity, good governance, accountability, and unity in diversity;
Conscious that NAS is relentlessly striving for lasting peace in South Sudan, focusing on a people-centred and members-driven approach;
Whereas NAS advocates for a federal system of governance in South Sudan, aiming to create an inclusive, peaceful, united, and modern state ensuring freedom, justice, equality, and the rule of law without discrimination;
Recognizing that NAS believes in a federal constitution approved by a referendum, as the preferred political and constitutional arrangement for ensuring lasting peace, human dignity, democratic governance, and unity in diversity in South Sudan;
Remembering and inspired by the selfless sacrifices of our martyrs since 1947 to the present time;
Cognizant of NAS' commitment to its vision, mission, core values, objectives and principles as a mass revolutionary movement, and its belief in the advancement of these ideals; and
Highlighting that this Constitution shall guide NAS during its revolutionary armed struggle and shall be amended accordingly to adapt to any changing situation over time;
Now therefore, as members of the National Salvation Front (NAS), hereby adopt this Constitution to organize, regulate and manage the National Salvation Front to lead our people towards the desired change.
ln God We Trust