
20200320 Establishment of NAS Emergency Health Committee

Order 45/20.03.2020: Reference to the Statement to the People of South Sudan On Coronavirus COVID-19 dated 17th March 2020 on the health threat posed by the pandemic, this order is for the establishment of a NAS Emergency Health Committee..

20200317 NAS Statement on Coronavirus COVID-19.pdf

The leadership of The National Salvation Front stands in solidarity with you at this critical time in the history of humanity. Sadly, this finds you (the people) abandoned without any healthcare services. Your resources are not being used for your wellbeing. You have been robbed of your basic rights and dignity

20200305 Executive Summary - NAS Federal System Model of South Sudan

Executive Summary and a foreword by NAS Chairman and C-in-C Gen Thomas Cirillo on the policy document on federalism entitled "Federal for a peaceful and prosperous South Sudan - The federal model of South Sudan"

20200213 Rome Resolution on Monitoring and Verification of CoHa 2017

South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) and The Government of South Sudan (GRSS) on Thursday 13th February 2020 signed “The Resolution on Monitoring and Verification of CoHA” in Rome in accordance with paragraph 9 of the Rome Declaration signed on 12 January 2020.

20200113 [English] NAS Army Cessation of Hostilities Directive to All Units

In line with the Declaration signed on 12th January 2020 at the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome, the Chief of Staff of the National Salvation Front/Army Gen Faiz Ismail Fatur issues this directive to all NAS forces in all fronts throughout the country to abide by the CoHA with effect from 15th January 2020 at 00:00 hours.

20200113 [Arabic] NAS Army Cessation of Hostilities Directive to All Units

[ARABIC] In line with the Declaration signed on 12th January 2020 at the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome, the Chief of Staff of the National Salvation Front/Army Gen Faiz Ismail Fatur issues this directive to all NAS forces in all fronts throughout the country to abide by the CoHA with effect from 15th January 2020 at 00:00 hours.

20200112 Rome Declaration on the peace process in South Sudan

The Rome Declaration between the South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) and the Government of South Sudan signed on 12 January 2020 at the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome. There are three cornerstones of the agreement: the "solemn" commitment to the cessation of hostilities starting at midnight on January 15th; the commitment to discuss and evaluate together - in Sant'Egidio - mechanisms to resolve differences; and the guarantee for humanitarian organizations to be able to operate in the country in support of the civilian population. 

20191121 SSOMA Sant Egidio Community Communique

Communique: We, the South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) held a constructive meeting with the
Community of Sant’Egidio in Rome, Italy from 18th to 20th November, 2019.

20191018 Establishment of Civil Administration in NAS controlled areas

NAS OrderNr36 on the establishment of Civil-Military Administration (CMA) in NAS controlled areas in South Sudan.

20190917 NAS Chief of Staff congratulates army on victories - Arabic

[Arabic Document] The Chief of Staff of the National Salvation Front/Army (NAS) on Tuesday congratulated the freedom fighters, officers and the commanders on the great victories achieved in fighting in self-defence against unprovoked aggressions by the South Sudan People's Defense Forces (SSPDF) and its tribal militias.