
20231225 NAS Christmas Message

20231225 NAS Christmas Message of hope and resilience... the dawn of justice is near

Statement: The Ruling SPLMโ€™s Leaders Vindicate NASโ€™s political Standpoint

A statement by Dr. Peter LoKarlo - Chairman of the National Information and Public Relations Committee.

Kiir Regime Targets Religious and Traditional Leaders: NAS Press Release

A Press Release from the leadership of the National Salvation Front highlighting a series of carefully planned target attacks on religious and traditional leaders (and their property).

20220727 NSSSOG Clarification Statement

The Non-Signatory South Sudan Opposition Groups(NSSSOG) released a statement entitled โ€˜An Urgent Call to all South Sudanese Stakeholdersโ€™ on 13th July 2022. The statement called on all stakeholders in the country from the political forces, civil society groups, faith-based groups women and youth groups to reject the plans of the R-TGONU to extend its period as the R-ARCSS comes to an end in February 2023 and work towards building a consensus on the way forward to save the country from total collapse and disintegration. The statement further called for a round table conference of all stakeholders in the country to be convened in a neutral venue to discuss the fate of the country and agree on a new dispensation beyond February 2023.


We the Non-Signatory South Sudan Opposition Parties, who rejected the R-ARCSS, and are now driven by the noble goal to rescue our state and our nation from collapse and disintegration, call on all South Sudanese political forces and all the other South Sudanese stakeholders from civil society, faith based, women and youth organizations to forge a way forward, formalizing the current discussion and to build consensus which will lead to the establishment of a New transition with a government of Technocrats/Hybrid government, as the R-TGoNU Transitional Period comes to an end by February 2023.

20220510 NAS Position on the resumption of the Jonglei Canal Project

Jonglei Canal project: a threat to National Security and a betrayal of the people of South Sudan

The National Salvation Front (NAS) has strongly come out to criticise the resumption of the unpopular Jonglei Canal project, which risks draining the Sudd wetlands, as a serious National Security threat and a betrayal of the people of South Sudan.

20210819 SSOMA's Response to Kiir's Statement on recent Juba-Nimule Road Attacks

A detailed response condemning Kiir's statement on the issue and 11 strong points exposing the lies and communication the truths that Kiir and his regime do not want people to know.

20210909 SSOMA In Solidarity with the People of South Sudan

The South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) has been following with keen interest the ongoing developments and growing calls for civil and peaceful uprising demanding a regime change in South Sudan by the citizens. The South Sudanese are in a state of despair and have suffered enough for more than fifteen (15) years under the failed, tyrannical, and dictatorial regime of Kiir and his cronies.

20210806 NAS Press Release In Response to People's Coalition for Civil Action

NAS's response to People's Coalition for Civil Action, a group of civil society members who made a declaration to wage a popular uprising against the Kiir regime.

20210709 10th Independence Anniversary Speech - 10 years of failures and misrule by the SPLM leaders

20210709 10th Independence Anniversary Speech - 10 years of failures and misrule by the SPLM leaders