NAS names provisional political committee members

Gen. Thomas Cirillo Swaka - Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the National Salvation Front/Army (NAS)

The Chairman and C-in-C of the National Salvation Front/Army (NAS) Gen Thomas Cirillo on Friday appointed 21 members to the political committee.

The appointment follows resolutions passed during the September 2019 NAS Senior Leadership Meeting to establish a provision political committee.

The 21 member committee is chaired by Dr Lako Kwajok, with Ms Nasike Teko Allan as deputy. The committee also includes as members Gen. Yien Mathew Chol – Army spokesperson, Justice Kukur Lopita Marino – Chairperson of the National Committee for Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Mr Suba Samuel – NAS Spokesman, and Mr Sokiri Loponi – Acting Chairman of NAS Information Committee, just to mention a few.

NAS Editorial Team joins the leadership in congratulating these members for their appointments and wishes them all the success in advancing the course of the struggle for justice and freedom.

[NAS Editorial]

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1 Response

  1. 10th November 2019

    […] Also see:ย NAS names provisional political committee members […]