SSOMA urges warring communities in WES to embrace dialogue

SSOMA urges feuding communities in WES to embrace dialogue

After weeks of ongoing communal violence in Western Equatoria State (WES) between the Azande and Balanda communities that has resulted in numerous deaths and the displacement of thousands of innocent civilians, the South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) has come out to urge the two communities to embrace dialogue to resolve the issues.

SSOMA appealed to the communities via a press release issued today July 29, 2021 and signed by Kwaje Lasu, the Alliance’s Spokesman and Secretary of Information and Public Relations.



In the press release, SSOMA placed the cause of the conflict squarely on the regime in Juba stating that “Salva Kiir [is] responsible for fueling communal fights across South Sudan as a policy for creating chaos in order to consolidate its grip on power to maintain the status quo,” and that “…the Kiir regime and its cronies, especially those politicians who are expected to use their influence to stop the fighting among communities, are exacerbating the
situation by advancing hate speech and inflammatory rhetoric”.


Salva Kiir [is] responsible for fueling communal fights across South Sudan as a policy for creating chaos in order to consolidate its grip on power to maintain the status quo


This appeal follows another call for calm that was made a few weeks ago on July 5, 2021, but “…the situation has however continued unabated with violence still raging on in the area”.

In the meantime, hundreds of internally displaced persons continue to arrive Tambura with horrific tales of what they went through.


SSOMA is an alliance comprising of the National Salvation Front (NAS), The National Democratic Movement-Patriotic Front (NDM-PF), The South Sudan National Movement for Change/Army (SSNMC/A), and The United Democratic Revolution Movement/Army (UDRM/A). SSOMA remains the vanguard of the people of South Sudan as it shoulders the responsibility of “struggling for the establishment of a democratic federal republic in South Sudan based on new political, social and economic dispensation”.



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