10 years of failures and misrule by the SPLM leaders: Gen Thomas Cirillo’s 10th Independence Anniversary Speech (Full text)

…On this 10th anniversary of independence, the people of South Sudan has nothing to celebrate. South Sudan is now in a period of its second colonialism, this time around internal colonialism. South Sudan is being exploited both by its own citizens as well as external forces. Today the people of South Sudan mark the 1Oth anniversary of independence not with celebrations of the joys of achievements, peace and prosperity but with pain, sorrow and grief.
South Sudan’s 10th Independence Anniversary
Speech of Gen. Thomas Cirillo Swaka, Chairman and
National Salvation Front (NAS)
July 09 2021
Dear people of South Sudan,
On behalf of the National Salvation Front (NAS) and on my own behalf, I salute you today on the 10th Anniversary of independence of our country.
This is a very important day because you the people participated effectively through revolutionary movements, and by voting 99% in the referendum, to realise the dream of our forefathers who, more than 100 years ago, started the struggle for emancipation and freedom that finally culminated in independence on 9rt July 2011.
July 9th is first and foremost a day of remembrance of the martyrs, heroes and heroines of the past and current struggle for freedom, peace with justice, equality, rule of law and dignity. I take this opportunity to pay tribute to our martyrs, heroes and heroines of the historical struggles, and in a special way to martyrs, heroes and heroines of the National Salvation Front.
Dear Compatriots,
During the last ten years of independence, South Sudan has been engulfed in a state of chaos, insecurity, corruption, misery, hopelessness and despair. Ten years is a long time in the life of a country and people. For our new country, ten years is a sufficient period of time for a responsible government to show post-independence achievements, as well as deliver dividends to the people.
Unfortunately, there is nothing or very little for the SPLM regime that managed the affairs of the new country at independence to show for the ten years of independence.
Today the people of South Sudan mark the 1Oth anniversary of independence not with celebrations of the joys of achievements, peace and prosperity but with pain, sorrow and grief.
Today the people of South Sudan mark the 1Oth anniversary of independence not with celebrations of the joys of achievements, peace and prosperity but with pain, sorrow and grief.
The post-independence SPLM regime failed to formulate a vision and mission for the new country. Instead of crafting a viable new State for all the people of South Sudan, the SPLM regime hijacked the nascent State, treating it as private property.
This is a serious betrayal of people’s trust and loyalty that the people of South Sudan had given to the SPLM over the years. The lack of national vision for the new country means the new State has become a property for the few elites. Corruption and impunity are condoned. There is a total breakdown of law and order due to a lack of rule of law. Delivery of basic social services and needs to the millions of South Sudanese people is ignored.
…a serious betrayal of people’s trust and loyalty… 10 years of failures and misrule by the SPLM leaders…
Dear Compatriots,
The period from independence up to today has been ten years of failure and misrule by the SPLM leaders. The catalogue of failures of the SPLM reign in South Sudan is unending and continues with each passing day. From the global perspective, South Sudan is at the bottom of all known indices or measures. To mention some examples, the regime and its allies in the so-called Revitalised Government talks of peace when the Global Peace Index puts South Sudan at the bottom. Freedom House does similarly, meaning freedom is non-existent in the country. Transparency International ranks South Sudan as the world’s most corrupt country, just one point before Somalia. And last but not least, South Sudan is at the bottom of Quality of Life and Human Development Index. With these negatives and the many more than we all know, there is nothing to celebrate!
The SPLM system in South Sudan is too deformed and can only be overhauled so as to deliver South Sudan. South Sudan’s woes will not come to an end if the same clique of leaders continues with the status quo.
On this 10th anniversary of independence, the people of South Sudan has nothing to celebrate. South Sudan is now in a period of its second colonialism, this time around internal colonialism. South Sudan is being exploited both by its own citizens as well as external forces.
The people of South Sudan have no other option but to take their destiny into their hands and reclaim the country from the SPLM cliques. The time is now for the liberation of the county so as to bring in place a modem South Sudan of freedom, justice, equality and dignity.
True to its name the National Salvation Front aims to rescue the people and the territory of South Sudan from total disintegration and collapse. As spelt out in its basic documents, NAS has objectives and programs aimed at restoring the lost national unity and human dignity to the people of South Sudan who have endured the misrule, dehumanization and disenfranchisement at the hands of the SPLM regime.
The National Salvation Front will continue the struggle of the people of South Sudan to rescue the county from the SPLM regime and deliver it to the people of South Sudan.
NAS Guwa
People Power
God bless you, God bless South Sudan
Signed: 09-07-2021
Gen.Thomas Cirillo Swaka
Chairman and Commander-in-Chief
National Salvation Front/Army (NAS)
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