Tagged: CoHA

20211202 NAS Press Release: Desertion of SSPDF and allied militia from deployment stations

20211202 NAS Press Release: Desertion of SSPDF and allied militia from deployment stations

NAS directs troops to offer safe passage to deserting SSDF and allied militia
Following intelligence reports of mass desertions of SSPDF forces and their allied militia from training camps and duty stations across the country, the leadership of the National Salvation Front (NAS) has issued directives to all its forces in the liberated areas to allow “unhindered humanitarian corridor” and “the safe passage” for deserters fleeing Kiir’s failed regime to “reunite with their deprived families in all parts of South Sudan and the refugee camps” in the neighbouring countries.

20211208 NAS Latest Press Release on Impending Scorch-Earth Offensive

20211208 NAS Latest Press Release on Impending Scorch-Earth Offensive

NAS warns of forced mass civilian displacement as SSPDF sets to clear villages for illegal mining

Several mineral-rich areas in Morobo County, Central Equatoria State (CES), are set to be forcefully depopulated in an imminent SSPDF-led scorch-earth offensive aimed at securing the locations for illegal mining – NAS spokesman has warned.