SSOMA suspends participation in Rome cease-fire monitoring Workshop

File: NAS gallant forces

The South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) has been suspended with immediate effect its participation in a cease-fire monitoring workshop in Rome, Italy, that was intended to build trust and create a conducive environment between SSOMA and the regime in Juba.

The decision – that was made public through a SSOMA press statement – comes after a series of violations by forces of the Juba regime, the most recent being an attack on a base of the National Salvation Front (NAS) on November 10, 2020 in Lo’bonok County in Central Equatoria State.

According to a press statement issued by Mr. Suba Samuel, NAS Spokesman, “On 10th November 2020, forces of SSPDF from Karpeto in Loโ€™bonok County attacked NAS tactical base and briefly managed to push NAS forces to make a tactical withdrawal. However, the NAS gallant forces launched a successful counter-attack securing the base sending the enemy running back in disarray….”


“This cowardly attack came at the time when there is an on-going CTSAMMV workshop between the Government and South Sudan Opposition Alliance SSOMA in Rome Italy. NAS condemns this uncalled-for attack which shows the intransigent of the regime of Salva Kiir and holds the government responsible for breach of the COHA agreement and the Rome Declaration and any consequences of this cowardly attack,” stated the press statement in part.

…[the Juba regime has] demonstrated their lack of political will, to the recommitment to CoHA, and in building trust.

NAS, a member of the SSOMA, has congratulated its forces under the Lo’bonok Area Command on their courageous stand and victory over the oppressive forces of the regime and has also urged them to remain vigilant.

NAS remains committed to the Cession of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) that was signed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in December 2017, and to the Rome Declaration that was also signed in Rome, Italy in January 2020. It also reserves the right to self-defense.

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