NAS Members urged to resist lures, stay steadfast to mission and vision

The leadership of the National Salvation Front (NAS), Friday 20th, praised the patriotism of its members and urged them to resists lures to engage in tribal or regional debates designed to draw attention away from the great patriotic mission to restore freedom, justice and dignity of all South Sudanese.
In the letter (full-text below) addressed to all members dated 20th September 2019, the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of NAS General Thomas Cirillo Swaka cautioned against distractors.
2Oth September 2019
To: All NAS Members
Subject: Be Steadfast to the Mission of NAS
Dear NAS members,
I greet you all in the name of the people’s revolution, the National Salvation Front (NAS).
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for your tireless contributions to the Movement in your different capacities and at your different locations. I urge you to keep up this spirit of patriotism and sacrifice for your people until you liberate them, restore their freedom, justice and dignity.
Your Movement, NAS, is a national movement struggling for the rights and dignity of all the people of South Sudan. NAS stands for the unity in diversity of all ethnic groups in South Sudan of which there are over 64 tribes. NAS Mission is to restore unity, dignity and power to the people of South Sudan, safeguard diversity and to establish a democratic federal system of governance.
The enemy of the unity of the people of South Sudan has of late stepped up its divisive strategy of pitting people of different tribes, clans and regions against each other to divert their attention from the national cause and weaken their collective efforts.
The enemy of the unity of the people of South Sudan has of late stepped up its divisive strategy of pitting people of different tribes, clans and regions against each other to divert their attention from the national cause and weaken their collective efforts.
This strategy is being executed by people who post articles, fake news, videos and pictures that are aimed to spread division and provoke reactions that can be used to portray our members either as tribal or regionally-oriented Movement. This is an old strategy, mainly used by collapsing regimes to completely destroy the fabrics of a nation in the false hope of buying some time in power; NAS members must not fall for that!
I, therefore, advise all NAS members, especially senior NAS members to avoid being lured into responding to or engaging in either tribal or regional responses that serve the strategy of the enemy. You have to be on a moral high ground to disarm your enemy from this evil strategy. NAS is a national Movement that does not belong to any clan, tribe, or region.
NAS is for all South Sudanese who identify with and subscribe to its Mission, Vision and Objectives.
I thank you all for your resilience and steadfastness. South Sudan will rise again!
God Bless You All
NAS Guwa!
People Power
Gen. Thomas Cirillo Chairman and Commander-in-Chief