20170430 Joint Statement by Opposition Groups on the National Dialogue

20170430 Joint Statement by Opposition Groups on the National Dialogue

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  • Create Date 30th April 2017
  • Last Updated 22nd July 2019

20170430 Joint Statement by Opposition Groups on the National Dialogue

A Joint Statement by Opposition Groups on the National Dialogue

....we reiterate that the prerequisite for a meaningful dialogue are:

  • An agreement on a political process to bring the war to an end through a roundtableconference to be convened in a neutral
  • A negotiated and enforceable permanent ceasefire and cantonment of all thebelligerent forces.
  • A genuinely committment to an immediate, full and unconditional deployment ofregional protection forces and the demilitarization of Juba and other major cities.
  • The repatriation of refugees and return of IDPs to their houses and communities toenable them participate in the political process,

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