NAS set to release another historic document: “NAS Vision for an Inclusive Modern South Sudan”

A new policy document entitled “NAS Vision for an Inclusive Modern South Sudan” that presents NAS’ political ideology is set to be released this weekend, the leadership of the National Salvation Front (NAS) has announced.
Presenting the document to the people of South Sudan, the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief, General Thomas Cirillo Swaka says in his foreword “The document is an outcome of strategic analysis of the historical and current political, socio-economic and security situation in South Sudan, the root causes of the protracted ongoing conflict and civil unrest. It offers a roadmap towards building sustainable peace in South Sudan”.
….[the document] offers a roadmap towards building sustainable peace in South Sudan
In October 2020, NAS released another well-received 90-paged document entitled “The Federal System Model of South Sudan” that detailed and proposed a federal model as the most viable option to address the root causes of the conflict in South Sudan.
This latest document “NAS Vision For An Inclusive Modern South Sudan” follows up on and builds upon the achievement made following the publication of the federalism document.
The must-have document starts with identifying each of the root causes behind the ongoing crisis in the nation and goes on to identify and suggest achievable ways and means of resolving each one of them. It outlines NAS’ vision, mission, values and strategic objectives, and to bring all that into perspective, the document takes the readers into a historic journey and quest for the salvation of a nation – starting from as way back as when South Sudanese wanted salvation and a nation.
…the time is now and NAS is already leading the way to the promised land of an inclusive modern South Sudan
The document concludes with an appeal to the people of South Sudan.
“The time is now and NAS is already leading the way to the promised land of an inclusive modern South Sudan where hunger, want, poverty and hopelessness will no longer be there, but peace, love, togetherness, hope, unity and prosperity in abundance”.
The document, which is over 75 pages, will be released this weekend on 12 June 2020.