Appointment of military justice director is “timely and suitable”

The Chairperson of the National Committee for Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Justice Kukurlopita Marino Pitia has praised the appointment of a new Director of NAS/Army Military Justice as timely and suitable for the setting up of the right tools for military justice as the movement pursues its revolutionary obligation to restore genuine unity and dignity of the people of South Sudan.
On 29th of this month, NAS Chairman Gen. Thomas Cirillo appointed Major General Justice Butrus George Lowoh Walla Director of NAS/Army Military Justice.Β
Together with other legal experts, Justice Lowoh Walla will be over-seeing the implementation and execution of military justice as speculated and enshrined in the 2017 NAS/Army Act and the 2017 NAS/Army Rule and Regulations.
“…even war has limits,” Justice Kukurlopita said, adding that section 21(1) of the 2017 NAS/Army Rule and Regulations demands that the freedom fighters conduct war affairs following the rules of engagement provided in International Humanitarian Laws (IHL) of war.
“Therefore under these provisions, NAS is obliged to abide by International Humanitarian Law (IHL) as contained in Geneva Conventions and its Protocols. This timely and a suitable appointment creates a NAS tool of military Justice [needed] to translate on the ground the revolutionary principles.”
According to experts, NAS’ diligence in setting up organizational structures and appointment of able-experts to oversee them is as exemplary as it is unmatched. No wonder Salva Kiir’s propaganda machinery has been doing everything in its power to tarnish the image of the people’s revolution.
“The incompetent JCE-led regime of Salva Kiir is deeply disturbed of the fact that NAS fundamental revolutionary obligation is to restore a genuine unity and dignity of the people of South Sudan and destroy forever the so-called unknown gunmen, who by day time, are in fact theΒ Mathiang AnyorΒ – part of the government organized forces. They are responsible for gang-rape, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
“The concept of justice, law and order, plus accountability scares them to the born… but NAS is determined to fix that in South Sudan,” Justice Kukurlopita asserted.